Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Anne Frank poems.

These are two of my own original poems. I wrote them as a dedication to Anne Frank,who is pretty much my hero. She was a Dutch-Jew girl but she died because she practiced Jewish religion. It's so sad.Anyway,I hope you guys enjoy these(:

♥I Am Anne Frank♥
I am Anne Frank.
A beautiful girl with brown bouncing curls
So lovely;
And admired by all the other girls

I am Anne Frank
A little,innocent Jew
But now it's just me;
And my diary Kitty,too.
Sadness and loneliness is all I feel
Sometimes I wonder
Is this even real?
Day after day
In the Secret Annexe
Is where I stay
Wishing for freedom
No matter how I pray
I can not have freedom
For Nazi's have taken it away

I am Anne Frank
They have found us at last
Goodbye to everything
Goodbye to my past
Kitty,I bid you goodbye
But no matter what
Those cruel men will not see me cry
Everyone is in a such a horrible state
Goodbye world
Now Bergen-Belsen is my fate

I am Anne Frank
Can you not hear me scream?
All of my hopes;
All the shattered dreams

I am Anne Frank
My time has come
Remember me
For I am not the only one
Who suffered this fate
My fame will come
I just need to wait

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
That could have trickled down her face
That left a sorrowful trace
Under the circumstances
She kept her pride
All of her emotions
In which she had to hide
A prayer
Here and there
Couldnt save her from despair
She made all the effort to stay alive
Until a cold day in 1945
Dear little Anne;
Was buried alive.
Flown away;an angel in the sky
Now all that is left is the tears we cry

RIP Anne.M.Frank<3

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Love.It's something we all chase,want,and long for. Many talk about it,few find it.
Once we find it,we hold onto it. But it seems we can never hold onto it tight enough. The other person just always seems to slip right out of our grip when we least expect it. Leaving our arms empty,and our hearts shattered.

So what is the definition of love? Well the dictionary definition says that love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. But everyone has their own definition. I define it as an incredible feeling. A feeling without definition,and in fact you can't define it until you experience it. But sadly,you'll probably also learn to define the word "heartbreak" a few times as well.

The reason for this blog is just that I think Love is something everyone can relate to. We've all experienced a form of it at one time or another. Is it that cute neighbor boy? A boy down the street? A boy from across town? That boy that's just a little to old for you? Someone all the way in another state? Or an ex you've never gotten over? No matter the age difference,race,distance,or gender you've probably felt love. You might not have wanted to,or maybe you couldn't help it. The heart doesn't descriminate love. The heart doesn't care who the person is. The heart wants what it wants.And that's just that.

I think I might be in love. Sure,I'm only 14. But,like I said age doesn't matter. It won't stop feelings. I've tried to deny it,because the person who I love,doesn't exactly feel the same way right now. And trust me,I respect his decision because his happiness means more to me then my own. But how can you tell if you're in love with someone? Well,maybe it's just the way your heart skips a beat when you talk to them. Or maybe it's the way you seem to mess up the simplest question. They can push you away and act like they don't care,and you'll still fight. When you're happy for them and encourage them to find a new girlfriend.Your favorite love song comes on the radio,and your mind is drawn to the same person and you wish they were there singing right along with you. It's difficult to know why,and maybe you even get mad at yourself for it. But what I've been thinking is that if after all this time and trying you still love them,then maybe you should wait.Maybe it's worth it. I can't tell my heart to stop loving someone,it's impossible. But I can tell my heart to wait,and to be patient.

If the person you love knows how you feel,then they might come around. Let them decide. Always remember,what's meant to be will always find a way.♥

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No title.

First,this doesn't have a title,simply because I couldn't think of one good enough to express this. My feelings right now are quite overwhelming.I don't know why. It's a feeling of mixed emotions. Dare I compare it to those of the Holocaust victims.But,I simply really cannot because the atrocities they went through couldn't match anything I'll ever go through. But,they did feel slivers of hope here and there. And,as they may all rest in peace,I kind of get a bit of strength from them. Perhaps one of the most famous Holocaust victims is Miss.Anneliese Frank.A girl who died at the very young age of 15,and really didn't lose hope until the very end.And even then I know she had a sliver left.No matter how small of a sliver it was,it was still there.Anyway,this isn't really meant to be about the Holocaust,or Anne Frank. But,I've been reading alot of books about Anne,and the Holocaust for some time now,and everytime the stories touch me in a way that's unimaginable. The courage,hope,strong will to live,and their selflessness to help others in the camp survive. It's just truly amazing and unbelievable.Which is why,I know I can get through everything. Because if some of them could survive those terrible death camps,I can survive.

This wasn't supposed to turn into a blog about the Holocaust,but I feel a strong connection to Anne and everyone in the Holocaust.And that is meant with as little disrespect as possible. I just find strength and courage through their stories.

Anyway,I've been thinking about who I need in my life.First a question,my friends.Do we really "need" anyone,or is it just the fact that we want to feel safe and loved? In reality,to keep one's sanity,you need a type of love and compassion.But,you really don't need anyone to survive.Some believe it's a material thing.In my opinion,if I love someone,I consider myself to not need them,but to be incredibly attached emotionally.

But,there are very few people I "need". I know I can fend alone,as I've done before.But there are again very few people I care about deeply enough to fight for.Oh my,well this blog is actually confusing me.And I'm writing it. I seem to jinx myself alot.I really don't know where to stop this blog.I guess I can't.I have so much life to live,and yet sometimes I wish It'd end.Maybe,I don't know how to live life to the fullest,or maybe I just need someone to live it with.I sound crazy,but one thing I hate is the word "self-pity".

Anyway,I apologize for the length of this blog,but I just felt terribly confused.And writing helps me escape.The sorrows fly away,if only for a short time.

I will survive!♥

Monday, July 19, 2010


Dear Anna,

I haven't really written in awhile. My apologies. But I've been lost.
Mhm,in love. I don't really "love" a lot of people,and I'm not "in love" either. I mean,I was. But,not so much anymore.Or maybe it's just that I don't show it. Either way,the person I would be "in love" with doesn't like me back. It's either age difference,location,or the fact that they just don't like me. So,sure there are people I love and people I consider worthy of breaking past the black walls built up around a heart that longs for love and exception,but instead gets disappointment and rejection. I don't like letting people "in" because letting people "in" just opens you up for hurt. Trust,I don't have much of that either.Whatever ounces of "trust" I have left,I give sparingly because of one simple thing;fear. I now know what it's like to be hurt,and I don't want it to happen again,although it's pretty much inevitable. Oh wait! I'm starting to sound like some charity case,aren't I? Ah,well I needed to get out some personal feelings.I mean,who hasn't felt this way?

On another note,I've developed a crush on ♥David Henrie♥ from Wizards of Waverly Place.Mmmm,yummy<3 xD

Yeah,well as boring as that might have been,I needed to rant.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Anna,

Silly,silly girls we are.We always fall for boys we shouldn't.Well,at least most of the time. It seems that writing is my only escape,my only way of venting the feelings that won't come out in words. Sometimes,I just wonder if things will work out in the end. Because I've often heard that if things aren't okay,then it isn't the end yet. Oh how I'd love to believe that! But on another note,why do we think that crying and begging will solve anything?.It won't,as I've learned.But,it does make you feel better.And,is it really fair to love someone who doesn't return the feleings?Or maybe it's fates way of telling us there is someone else out there that we're meant to share eternity with.Either way,I guess patience is key.Why am I ranting on like this?Well,because it's just the way I feel.Anyway,I'd like to write something,like a poem of sorts.

"You made me laugh,you made me cry."
"You had me at hello,and killed me at goodbye."
"Your kiss was like poison."
"I couldn't get enough."
"Sparks;they'd fly everytime we'd touch."
"As quick as you came,you shut the door."
"So long happiness,for you are no more."

Now,I never said I was poetic.Nor,do I try to be.I like writing stories,and my feelings.But,it was an attempt.Anyway,this blog was pretty pointless.But I needed to vent some feelings.

Friday, July 2, 2010

From the heart...

Dear Anna,

I know you aren't with us anymore,which saddens me deeply.But I know you're looking down at us from heaven,with that big and beautiful smile on your face. You're my hero and my inspiration. I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and everything you went through. I can not however,imagine what you endured in your years in hiding,and then the tragic end in the camps. But I can relate to how misunderstood you felt,and of course your feelings of love and affection,because of course I've felt them too.I want to dedicate my blog to you mostly,but also to being a regular teenage girl.I also want to be a writer,and your poems,fables and short stories are truly amazing.I too would like to write as well as you. It's hard to believe such a young,amazing life was taken by cruelty.And more importantly,how can humans treat their fellow man that way? Anne,I know you saw only the good in people,well at least you tried.But,I know almost everyone in the Secret Annex was subjected to the fury of your pen at least once in your diary,which was quite humorous at times. I don't look at how many times people hurt me,but rather at the good memories and the positive things they've done.As I know you might have done. You're everything a role model should be. Brave.Honest.Couragious.Intelligent.Kind. I can relate to you in so many ways.Your memory lives through all of us,and we'll never forget you,Anna.Even though you didn't live to fulfil all your hopes and wishes,you still gave the world so much.You're always in our hearts.


Dear Anna...

Dear Anna,

Wait?Who's Anna you ask?
Well that's simple.Better known as Anne Frank,Anneliese Marie Frank was often called Anna.So I'm going to address most of my blogs to her.Most,not all.I figure this way it's kind of like the way Anne wrote her own Diary using "Dear Kitty" as her imaginary friend.

What's the point...?

Hah.The title sounded depressing didn't it?Well,it's not.This blog basically explains the reason I even have a blog.I love to write,and rant.So I figured this was the best way.I'll write about Anne Frank(mostly) but other things too.Basic teenage girl things.I doubt any of you will be interested,but I'm doing it anyway.

xoxo Little Anne